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11th May 2024: Buckie to Portgordon circular walk

Hi walkers (and some Glebe Communty gardeners),

The next Aberlour walking Group walk is on 11th May 2024 to Buckie-Portgordon. It is a circular route, starting and finishing in Cluny Square. Travelling from Fochabers, go left at the signpost to Buckie, and follow the road down to the square.

We spotted 2 seals today, but no doubt there will be more wildlife to spot.

For those interested in Community Gardens, we will stop for some refreshement at the Portgordon Community Garden.

Portgordon Community Garden

As usual, let me know if you are joining us by Thursday 9th May, and if you need help with transport.

0 7909 936724

Notices 21st April 2024

Minister’s parental leave

Andrew will be on leave from 8th April until at least 13th May. Over this period pastoral cover will be provided by a group of neighbouring ministers. The primary contact co-ordinating cover for the duration will be the Rev Dr Amy Bender (Keith: North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay): email:; tel: 01542 780486.

Community garden: call for regular volunteers

The community garden at the Aberlour Glebe has potted up and is preparing to plant, and are trying to put together a maintenance schedule for the coming growing season. If you would enjoy regularly helping out with watering or weeding, please let Claire or Sam know your preferred availability: e-mail:

Moray FoodPlus

We continue to support Moray FoodPlus through a collection of groceries. All donations of in-date groceries welcomed and very much appreciated. This week, they are specifically asking for pasta sauce.

Fairtrade stall

The Fairtrade stall continues to have supplies of foodstuffs, crafts, and all sorts of other goods: sundries and treats. Have a look today, consider making a swap on one of your regular items, and know that it makes a difference!

6th April 2024: Binn Hill from Kingston-on-Spey circular walk

Start point: This is a circular figure-of-eight route which starts from the car park at
the mouth of the Spey in Kingston-on-Spey.

Route: It follows the Moray Coastal Trail and visits some of Moray’s coastal defences from World War Two, including a rifle range. We follow a steep section on sandy paths climbing through woods to Binn Hill; stopping for a tea break to take in some excellent views of the coast. The route returns to the coast following the Moray Coastal trail back to the rifle range, returning to Kingston-on Spey on an inland track.

Distance: 9.5km (6mi), 90m ascent.